Exciting Changes to Our Payment Model!

🎉 Exciting Changes to Our Payment Model!

Posted on Sept 7th, 2023

Dear Users,

We are thrilled to announce some significant changes to our payment model in the upcoming version release of our app. Our commitment has always been to provide you with the best experience, and we believe these changes will make our app even more accessible and user-friendly.

🙌 Unlimited Prayers for Everyone!

Gone are the days of counting your prayers. We're moving away from our previous model of 15 prayers for $2.99 a week and 90 prayers for $9.99 a month. Instead, we're introducing unlimited prayers for everyone at these amazing price points:

  • $0.99/week
  • $2.99/month
  • $29.99/year

Yes, you read that right! For less than the price of a coffee, you can now access unlimited prayers every week.

🚀 Seamless Access with No Sign-Up

In today's fast-paced world, we recognize the importance of instant access and privacy. That's why we've streamlined our app experience. Now, no sign-up is required. Simply download the app, and you're ready to embark on your spiritual journey, no strings attached.

🎁 Introducing Essential Prayers for All

We believe that certain prayers resonate universally, providing comfort, guidance, and solace. With this in mind, every user will now have access to three essential prayers, regardless of their subscription status. These prayers encompass vital life themes:

  • Wisdom, Guidance, Protection & Safety: Navigate life's challenges with clarity and assurance.
  • Health & Healing: Seek physical and emotional healing, and embrace well-being.
  • Salvation: Connect deeply with the divine and understand your spiritual path.

These foundational prayers are our gift to you, ensuring that everyone has a starting point in their prayer journey.

🔥 Discover Trending Prayers from Our Community

One of the most beautiful aspects of prayer is the sense of community it fosters. We're all on this spiritual journey together, and there's immense power in collective prayer. With our new Trending Prayers feature, you can now tap into the heartbeats and hopes of our community.

Explore prayers that are resonating with many, and see what topics, concerns, or joys are being lifted up the most. Whether it's prayers for global peace, local community support, or personal growth, the Trending Prayers section offers a real-time pulse of what our community is seeking and sharing.

Not only does this feature allow you to feel connected to others, but it also provides an opportunity to join in collective prayer. When you see a trending prayer that resonates with you, you can add your voice, energy, and intention to it. Together, as a community, our prayers create a powerful wave of positive energy and change.

So, next time you're seeking inspiration or wondering what's on the hearts of others, dive into our Trending Prayers. You might just find a prayer that speaks to your current situation or discover a new perspective that enriches your spiritual journey.

In conclusion, these changes are a reflection of our commitment to serve you better. We're always listening to your feedback and striving to improve. We hope you're as excited about these updates as we are. Stay tuned for the next version release, and happy praying!

Warm regards,

PrayAI Team

Download PrayAI Today

In times of difficulty, finding strength and guidance is crucial. PrayAI is here to support you on your journey. Download the app today on iOS and Android, and experience the transformative power of personalized prayers.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for daily inspiration, community updates, and more.

Remember, even in the darkest moments, PrayAI can be a beacon of light, helping you find the strength within to overcome any challenge that comes your way.